Health records and patient administration

Health records and patient administration staff collate, store and retrieve records used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. 

This page has information on the roles available in health records and patient administration with links to further information.

Working life

Health professionals need access to vital information at a moment's notice. This makes health records and patient administrators crucial to the delivery of healthcare. They are also responsible for promoting and supporting the effective use of data, information, knowledge and technology within their organisation.

Health records staff

Roles in health records and patient administration 

Explore some of the roles in health records and patient administration:

Health records assistant

A health records assistant undertakes routine administrative work in relation to health records. The role is likely to include:

  • locating, retrieving, tracking and delivering patients' health records and case notes
  • maintaining patient records and case notes
  • participating in audits of patient records

Health records manager

A health records manager is responsible for the overall management of a department's health records service.  The role is likely to include:

  • communicating and neogtiating contentious issues with senior management and clinical staff
  • ensuring a high-quality service
  • providing advice and guidance to a range of people on all aspects of legislation relating to health records

​Medical summariser

A medical summariser summarises all medical notes and letters.  This provides healthcare professionals with an accurate, easily accessible electronic summary of a patient's medical history. This could be crucial information in an emergency situation.  The role is likely to involve:

  • extracting information from patients' notes and entering them on to a computer programme
  • displaying any significant medical problems prominently so it is obvious to any healthcare professional using the record.

Patient administrative team leader

A patient administration team leader is responsible for a small team of administration staff.  This role is likely to involve:

  • maintaining and developing patient administration systems, including appointment systems, referrals and record keeping
  • acting as a point of contact for members of the public, clinical staff and other individuals
  • assisting in training individuals to use patient information systems

Waiting list co-ordinator

A waiting list coordinator completes and maintains the accuracy of waiting lists and plans patient activity to minimise waiting times and the ensure the best use of resources. This role is likely to involve:

  • monitoring waiting lists and ensuring they are accurate and complete
  • implementing and maintaining a system to monitor waiting times 
  • identifying changes in demand for particular services 
  • developing and monitoring plans to improve practice
  • contributing to improving the quality and overall management of the waiting list
  • providing weekly statistical information and reports on performance

Want to learn more?

  • Most education and training jobs in the NHS are covered by Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales.  This pay system covers all staff except doctors, dentists and the most senior managers. ICT staff in the NHS will usually work standard hours of 37.5 per week. Terms and conditions for non-NHS employers and contractors will vary.

  • There are opportunities to progress your career into senior management roles. Most NHS organisations will now have chief information officers who lead the delivery of knowledge management systems locally. Find out more about the training and development opportunities.

  • If you're applying for a role either directly in the NHS or in an organisation that provides NHS services, you'll be asked to show how you think the values of the NHS Constitution apply in your everyday work.

    Find out more about NHS values.

    Most NHS organisations advertise their job and apprenticeship vacancies on NHS Jobs. You can find some of the current vacancies below. 


    Find a vacancy

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